Rose bag
A bouquet of flowers placed in a brown paper bag, adding a touch of authenticity and warmth to the arrangement. The bouquet consists of a variety of beautiful flowers in different...
A bouquet of flowers placed in a brown paper bag, adding a touch of authenticity and warmth to the arrangement. The bouquet consists of a variety of beautiful flowers in different colors, including red roses, small orange and white flowers, and some small purple flowers. The flowers are arranged elegantly. This bouquet in a bag is perfect as a gift that expresses feelings and care, or as an elegant decoration for any special occasion. If you are looking for a floral arrangement that combines elegance and natural beauty, this is the ideal choice..
Type : Rose bag
Type: Rose - Baby Rose - Menem rose
Quantity: 8 pieces
Code : OTGF006
Price : 130 QR
Length : 21 CM
Width : 10 CM
Height : 33 CM