flower vase
A bouquet of red roses placed in an elegant black leather base. The base is adorned with a white ribbon and contains an Arabic inscription that says "Alhamdulillah Ala Alsalama" making...
A bouquet of red roses placed in an elegant black leather base. The base is adorned with a white ribbon and contains an Arabic inscription that says "Alhamdulillah Ala Alsalama" making it a perfect gift for special occasions such as returning from travel or recovering from illness. The red roses add a touch of romance and beauty, while the black base imparts a sense of luxury and elegance..
Type : flower vase
Type: Rose
Quantity: 25 pieces ( Roses )
Code: OTGF008
Price : 180 QR
Bouquet Height: 40 CM
Bouquet Width : 22 CM