flower Bouquet
A bouquet of flowers beautifully and elegantly arranged, making it a perfect gift for special occasions. The bouquet contains red and white roses, along with some small white flowers and green...
A bouquet of flowers beautifully and elegantly arranged, making it a perfect gift for special occasions. The bouquet contains red and white roses, along with some small white flowers and green leaves that add a touch of vitality and diversity. The flowers are wrapped in black wrapping paper with golden edges, giving them a refined and distinctive appearance. They reflect fine taste and add an atmosphere of joy and happiness to anyone who sees them. If you are looking for a gift that expresses feelings and care, this bouquet is the perfect choice..
Type : Hand Bouquet big size
Type: Baby Rose - Rose - Cherry Rose - Gypsum Rose - Clematis Rose
Quantity:12 pieces
Code : OTGF001
Price : 120 QR
Length: 55 CM
Width : 35