flower Bouquet
The product is a mixed flower bouquet containing a variety of flowers such as roses, lilies, and chrysanthemums in different shades of pink, purple, and peach. The flowers are artistically arranged...
The product is a mixed flower bouquet containing a variety of flowers such as roses, lilies, and chrysanthemums in different shades of pink, purple, and peach. The flowers are artistically arranged and wrapped in light purple tissue paper, tied with a matching ribbon. This bouquet stands out with its vibrant colors and elegant floral arrangement, making it visually appealing. Order it now to give a gift that combines beauty and luxury..
Type : Bouquet small size
Type: Astoma rose - Metulla rose - Dikwa rose - Baby rose - Lily rose - Lamneem rose
Quantity: 18 pieces
Code : OTGF011
Price : 130 QR
Length: 50 CM
Width : 30 CM